lengkapi lah tabel kesetaraan suhu dalam cescius, reamur, dan fahrenheit
a. 45⁰C = 36⁰R = 113⁰F
b. 60⁰C = 48⁰R = 140⁰F
c. 80⁰C = 64⁰R = 176⁰F
d. 52,5⁰C = 42⁰R = 126,5⁰F
[answer.2.content]365 Startling Days of Boynton Page-A-Day Calendar 2017
365 Startling Days of Boynton Page-A-Day Calendar 2017
a. 45⁰C = 36⁰R = 113⁰F
b. 60⁰C = 48⁰R = 140⁰F
c. 80⁰C = 64⁰R = 176⁰F
d. 52,5⁰C = 42⁰R = 126,5⁰F